Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer, Summer, Summer, Summer
Summer is coming along very slowly. Spring is still rather cold and i want it to hurry the fuck up and get hot! I really enjoy hot weather, makes my mood jolly good. I need to find a job but no where seems to hire me, i think I've been jinxed since billy baxters. Even KFC won't hire so I'm finding it rather sus, theres probably a sign somewhere saying "Do not hire this girl" with a mug shot of me. Seriously, can't i just get a decent job. Fuck.
But back to summer, i cannot wait. I think every year i try to do something outrageous just for something to remember. Like last year Ly, Mikha Michaela Kylie and I all ran through the park late late at night NAKED and played truth or dare. Then resulting to the police coming complaining that we're making too much noise. You got Mikha running off as soon as they come, Michaela thinking they were a taxi driver so shes on the roundabout flashing her tits then realizing its the cops. Ly and Kylie standing there clueless as fuck and me having to talk to them. It was actually one of the funniest nights EVER. Then the next day we spent it all at the beach which was even lovelier. I really love days/nights like those where I'm with my girls and we're all doing something wild and having fun. I can just picture my summer holidays, sleeping in til 11-12 going to town for lunch then the beach. I want to be at the beach as much as i can. Its really a lovely place to be in the summer. The atmosphere is just amazing and you got honeys in their bathing suits all over the joint. Real AHHHH-MAZING. And I'm just babbling on about summer but thats how good it is. Even though i get really black its still fucking worth it. Ohk i think thats all.

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